UPVC Underground Brown Pipe 200MM (8") x 5.8M (SIRIM)

UPVC Underground Brown Pipe 200MM (8") x 5.8M (SIRIM)


Plumbing/UPVC Underground Pipes & Fittings
UPVC Underground Brown Pipe 200MM (8") x 5.8M (SIRIM)


Specifications of Underground Drainage And Sewerage Pipes
 Colour  Brown
 Length  5.8m
 Type of Joint  Solvent Cement Weld Joint


Nominal Size  Mean Outside Diameter (mm) Wall Thickness (mm)
in. mm Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
4 100 110.0 110.4 3.2 -
6 155 160.0 160.6 4.1 -
8 200 200.0 200.5 4.9 5.6
10 250 250.0 250.5 6.2 7.1
12 315 315.0 315.6 7.7 8.7


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